Our first official team meeting with our professor provide the necessary wind to our sails as we embark on our community of practice together.
Wednesday, January 13th - Team 2 and Instructor
Proposed topics:
Mental Health & Accessibility
These topics are broad – what area do we want to focus on – be more specific
Region, demographic, population
Doesn’t mean you can’t speak to things outside of this scope, but will help you focus your perspective
How are we framing these topics from a communications ethics standpoint?
What is the convo around them
What are the ethical considerations around information dissemination for people involved in this area (practitioners, patients, etc)
We are all bringing different perspectives
When we are in our CoP we are having open conversations
This will become our framework for our conversation on our chosen topic
Power dynamics
E.g. Mental health
Only speaking to people with certain letters before or after their name (e.g. Dr. or MSc)
Gender, race, ethnicity, faith, etc.
How do those dynamics come together when we talk about mental health
E.g. different cultures view mental health differently
We could bring this idea into vaccinations too
We can bring people into our CoP to be involved in our discussion
Shared interest, brings community together
Connection and interaction among those who are there
Determined by the domain
Sharing of our repertoire of knowledge and best practices
How can this be fed forward into how we do things in our organization
Part 1
Meet with group weekly
Discuss how each topic relates to our Cop
Part 2
Posting, vlogging, blogging about these interactions on whatever platform we choose
Can switch format each week (one week video, one week images, etc)
How can you be appealing and informative to experts, the public etc.
Put charter on website
Individual OpEds – post so people can see who is in the group, who they would be working with etc.
Should primarily be your content, but you can link other content
Sharing your learnings of what you have found throughout your discussions together
Have mix of both peer-reviewed resources and others
Can invite multiple people into our group throughout the term
Different perspectives, different lenses
Could bring two SMEs to the same meeting – have a moderator
Prof will assign 1-2 people for us to connect with
Help us tease out why we want to look at this topic
Is CoP best means to find solution for this issue
Will help us refine our topic
Do we want to have a panel discussion during the event?
Prof Questions
1. What makes this issue a communication ethics issue
2. What is the relevance of this issue
3. Why do you see a CoP as a viable way to solve/address this issue
4. Ensure problem statement is framed around communication ethics